Field Notes and Checklist Lab: H520 Martell Forrest Flight

Yuneec H520 Flight at Martell Forrest Field Notes:

For the start of this lab we split into 2 groups. Group one performed the pre-flight, flight planning, and flight rules. The second group went around the field and placed the GCPs. The following notes are for the work performed by the second group.

  • Perform altitude assessment, plan on flying at 80m, observe surrounding terrain 
  • Using aero points for GCP, they operate the whole time they are on the ground and gather data the whole time, and get more accurate over time. Corrects UAV GPS errors
  • The GCPs have to be within line of sight of UAV
  • The GCPs have to be retrieved in reverse order of placement
  • The following list is provided to keep track of GCP placement 
  1. GCP 747 placed and activated(confirming red light was on) by pile of dirt at the west/north corner of the field.
  2. GCP 034 was placed and activated further west of GCP 1, on the corner of the field by the road.
  3. GCP 420 was placed and activated by the cages on the far west end of the field
  4. GCP 360 was placed and activated in a gap between the trees in the field, after the cages
  5. GCP 943 was placed and activated on top of a small hill at the far end of the trees
  6. GCP 205 was placed and activated in the far southeast corner of the field 
  7. GCP 142 was placed and activated at the beginning of the middle area of the field as running from east to west, just west of the fair tip plants
  8. GCP 500 was placed and activated on the far (west) end of the middle open area in the field
  9. GCP 491 was placed and activated on the east corner of the trees 
  10. GCP 217 was placed and activated near the vehicle (black truck) and by the starting point of the flight
After the placement of the GCPs group two returned to the starting point of the flight and began conversing with group one about the pre-flight process of the H520. The pre-flight checklist and flight planning was all performed by group one. Once the drone was ready the Pilot for the mission armed the vehicle and began the take-off process. The drone was taken 3/4 to altitude and a pre-mission flight check was performed. This usually involves a few maneuvers designed to test and inspect the normal operation of the vehicle to ensure a safe flight while the vehicle is flying autonomously. However, during the pre-mission maneuver, it was discovered that the battery was not fully inserted into the copter and the process of shifting from forward to backward the batter managed to slip out of its position just enough to cause a power loss. The drone proceeded to fall from the sky, ultimately leading to its destruction upon impact with the ground.

Image 1: GCP Storage 

Image 2: GCP Placement and Activation

Video 1: Beginning of Flight and Crash


Altitude: 80 meters
Platform: Yuneec H520
Sensor: E90
GCP: AeroPoint Markers
Pilot: Lucas Wright
Observer: Jasper Saadi-Klein
Weather: Mostly clear skies, light wind, temperature around 56 F. 


The following checklist was created with Conner Yoder

Location confirmation
Confirm location with client(s)
Confirm date with client(s)
Confirm availability of observer
Minimum takeoff/landing area confirmed
(50ft radius)
Obstacles are noted and mapped
Permission to fly
Property owners’ approval
FAA Part 107 approval
    (if flying <5miles of airport)
NOTAM filed
    (if flying <5miles of airport)
Participants’ approval
    (if flying over people)
Part 107 waiver filed and approved
    (if necessary)
Check current NOTAMs for flight area
Area clear of aircraft
Weather report printed
Temps: 32°-104°F
Wind: 0-22mph
Visibility: >3 sm
Ceiling: >500 ft
Software updated
Repairs made from previous flight
No damage to aircraft
SD card formatted
Spare propellers packed
Emergency repair kit packed
Software updated
Fully charged
Fully charged
Set up
Verify area clear of obstacles
Measure area EMI
Place takeoff/landing pad
Observer present
Power up
Remove gimbal cover
Place aircraft on launchpad
Power up controller
Power up aircraft
Confirm controller-aircraft connection
GPS: >8 satellites
Calibrate IMU
Calibrate compass
Confirm video feed
Confirm gimbal movement
Return to home: Battery level <20%
Return to home: Lost link
Land in place: GPS signal lost
Select flight mode
Select manual/automatic takeoff
In Flight
Climb to mission altitude
Proceed to mission destination
Maintain visual line of sight
Monitor wind speeds/heading
Monitor aircraft GPS location
Monitor battery percentage
Complete mission
Verify clear path home
Select manual/automatic landing
Land safely
Power down
Power down aircraft
Power down controller
Remove props
Secure gimbal
Data collection
Download photo/video data
Record flight time in logbook

Record any damage
