Lab 11: UAS Mission Planning
Introduction For this platform, the pre-flight checklist is critical and essential. There is a hard transition between when we are in control of the platform and when it is fully autonomous because of the way the Bramor is designed. Once it is launched from the catapult the system is in charge of itself, so before that point, we must ensure that all steps were performed properly. From folding the parachute to removing the "remove before flight covers" and ensuring the flight plan is correct, the pilot must be confident that all the steps were performed before takeoff. The essential parts of mission planning for the system are understanding the various transitions the Bramor goes through during the flight. From takeoff to the takeoff point, then transitioning to the mission, then to the rally point and finally the parachute point. These transitions are the critical moments of the mission where things could most likely go wrong. Wind direction, altitudes, obstacles, and...